Types of Biometric Fingerprints

Fingerprints have been the gold model for security purpose and background check-in the forensic area for more years. On our fingerprints have lots of different lines pattern that makes it individual, every person has an individual characteristic that makes it different for identity, and that's the reason twin does also not have similar line pattern on their fingerprints. 

According to technology and research fingerprints are divided into two categories Forensic and Biometric. Biometric technology is a method of verifying humans based on physical and behavioral biometric data. Biometric fingerprints patterns have three groups: Arches, Loop, and Whorls and within each group, there are variations of subgroups for fingerprints patterns.

  • Variation of Arches

    In the whole population, approximately 5% to 6% of people have arches fingerprint patterns. In this pattern, lines cross smoothly, and the shape of the center of the finger pad, and there are no delta lines or cores. In this there are two types of arches patterns:

  • ➀ Plain Arch

    Plain arch is the simplest pattern of fingerprint, in a plain arch ridges pattern flow across the finger from one side of the fingerpad. it is the least common type of fingerprint that is below 6% of all fingerprints.

  • ➁ Tented Arch

    As like a plain arch, the tented arch is also defined by the ridges flowing on the finger from one side of the pad, in the tented arch ridges rise sharply of the shape in the middle pad.

  • Variation of Loop

    Loop fingerprints are the most common type of fingerprints and in this population, 60% to 70% of people have loop fingerprints. Loop patterns recurve themselves foaming a loop shape, loop prints start on either side of the finger, take a curve and exist with the same side which it's entered. Loop has delta lines and core, and fingerprints come in three variations:

  • ➀ Radial Loop

    The flow of the radial loop pattern runs from the thumb towards the little finger of the hand. Radial fingerprint loops are uncommon and usually found on the index finger of the hand.

  • ➁ Ulnar Loop

    The ulnar loop is not the very common type of fingerprint most of the time it will be found on the index finger like the radial loop. This variation of fingerprints runs in the direction of the ulnar bone which is located in the little finger.

  • ➂ Central Pocket Loop

    The central pocket loop ridge of this composite fingerprint. In this fingerprint pattern, ridges re-curve and surround a central whorl.

  • Variation of Whorl

    Whorl print accounts for 30% to 35% of the entire population. Whorl patterns contain two deltas or a core, the whorl fingerprint's ridges can make a turn through at least one circuit.

  • ➀ Plain Whorl

    The plain loop whorls makes an unbroken circular pattern, the ridges in these whorls make a turn of one complete circuit. The plain whorl has two deltas with invisible lines that touch or cross at least one re-curve ridges with the inner area.

  • ➁ Double Loop Whorl

    In the double loop prints in the middle of the center, it looks like two hookers combining with each other, in this two deltas and one or more ridges make a complete circuit.

  • ➂ Accidental Whorl

    The accidental whorl is the combination of any two groups like- tented, loop, and whorl. The plain arch is not applied in this combination. The accidental whorl has at least two delta.


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