The Best Legal Computer Hacker in the World?

Kevin Mitnick is declared to be the best hacker in this world.
He is an American computer security consultant, an author, and a convicted hacker. Also known as The Condor and The Darkside Hacker.

Known worldwide as one of the hackers who changed the history of computer security, Mitnick is today dedicated to creating security systems for major companies in the United States. He is a self-taught expert in exposing the vulnerabilities of complex operating systems and telecommunications devices.


Mitnick's arrest, trial, and sentence along with the associated journalism, books, and films were all much controversial.



He had many penalties for which he had to serve in jail in the year 1988: One year in prison. And in 1999: 46 months of prison 


Mitnick used social engineering and dumpster diving to bypass the punch card system used in the Los Angeles bus system. And doing that he can travel on any bus he wanted to travel to The U.S.



Mitnick first gained unauthorized access to a computer network in 1979, at 16, when a friend gave him the phone number for the Ark, the computer a system which made RTS/E an operating software.



Mitnick copied the computer's software and was legally punished for doing so and he became a fugitive and fled away.



When he was a fugitive, he is said to hack dozens of computer networks.



Since 2000, Mitnick has been a paid security consultant, public speaker, and author. He also does security consulting for Fortune 500 companies and the FBI performs penetration testing services for the world's largest companies and also teaches Social Engineering classes to dozens of companies and government agencies.



His own company Mitnick Security Consulting is in Las Vegas, Nevada where he currently resides. And also, his custom metal business cards also serve as lock picking kits.

Read More... About Kevin Mitnick Case:

  • Although his last arrest for which he became known as in 1995, after being accused of breaking into some of the most secure computers in the United States and outwitting authorities for 3 years, he had been prosecuted in 1981, 1983, and 1987 for various electronic crimes.

  • In an interview with Strategy & Business in Guatemala, during the Tigo Business Forum 2019, Mitnick pointed out that he never hacked to obtain money. What for him started out as simple fun and curiosity turned into euphoria at the scientific discovery. He is still excited about creating security systems, he said, but the difference is that now he is getting paid to do it.

  • During his presentation in Guatemala, Mitnick showed in front of more than a thousand participants how, in a simple way, through a cable to charge a mobile device or through the reception of an email, both personal and personal information can be violated. the companies. He highlighted the importance for companies of conducting a risk assessment, having up-to-date systems, and building control systems that protect the most sensitive information, to prevent someone from penetrating and compromising company information.


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